The Cooper House: Sierra & Abby’s reunification story.

It takes courage to know when you need help. It takes even more courage to know when to ask for it. Fortunately, Sierra and Abby knew when it was time to have courage. The Cooper House then recognized their courage and extended a hand to provide. Brooke and Kyle Howe were the minds behind the Cooper House. They first started licensing as foster parents in 2017, taking care of two brothers, and a family of 5 on top of that. Throughout their initial journey, Kyle and Brooke started to realize that the parents did not have the proper support to make reunification possible. That’s when the Cooper House was born. The Cooper House has now helped countless parents reunite with their children by providing advice, resources, networks, and simply a friendly face. Reunification is what The Cooper House stands for, that’s why Abby and Sierra’s story are perfect for celebrating reunification month.

Sierra’s story:

Sierra is a single mother of a daughter, Chloe. Shortly before Chloe’s birth, Sierra struggled with drug abuse. Once Sierra was pregnant with Chloe, she was able to stop using. However, once she had Chloe, she started using again to cope with depression and the new pressures that motherhood brings. Sierra eventually moved in with her mom, to help raise Chloe. During the four months Sierra lived with her mom, DCS filed for Chloe’s removal. Once Sierra lost her child, she unfortunately also lost her freedom. Sierra spent time in jail, but decided to make the most of her rehabilitation. Sierra was able to gain back her sobriety, which in turn allowed her to visit Chloe in wellness centers. Sierra found these wellness centers to be cold and uncomfortable, that’s where the Cooper House came in. Sierra was able to get the proper support and guidance from The Cooper House staff, which grew them closer. Sierra now has had Chloe back for more than a year. She has herself and The Cooper House to thank for it.

Abby’s story:

Abby finds herself in a troubling relationship in the start of her story. She was sleeping on her dad’s couch while she was trying to find her way. Eventually, she failed a drug test which initiated the removal of her children. Abby’s substance abuse compounded after the removal of her children, which added to her depression. Abby then moved to Noblesville, IN for sober living, where she found The Cooper House. Andrea is the foster parent of Abby’s kids, who helped Abby coordinate visitations. These visitations would be at the park, restaurants, and libraries. However, parks aren’t open in the winter so Abby and Andrea started using The Cooper House for their visits. The Cooper House was able to provide a kitchen for Abby to make home cooked meals and even host Christmas for her kids to celebrate as a proper family. Abby went through the process of reunification starting off with supervised visits, unsupervised visits, and eventually to getting the kids back permanently. Abby was able to change her life, with the help of The Cooper House. She now has her own home, and more importantly her own kids.

What you can do:

If these stories inspire you or relate to your experience in life. Do not hesitate to volunteer in your local community by submitting a form on our website. If you are not able to create an impact with a hands on approach, donations are also a huge help. Stories such as Abby and Sierra’s are not possible without your help. So lets help each other, and create more stories like the ones you’ve read above!