5 Reasons to Foster Siblings

fostering siblings in Indiana

There is a pressing need in Indiana for safe and caring foster homes that can keep siblings together. An estimated 65 -85% of children in foster care have siblings, yet 53%-80% of them are separated from at least one. In what can be a very destabilizing experience, placing children into foster homes with their siblings helps provide more stability and comfort. This leads to better outcomes for every child.

Here are five compelling reasons to consider fostering siblings: 

1. Keep Family Bonds Intact:  

Fostering siblings allows them to stay together during a challenging time, preserving their strongest family connections. 

2. Emotional Support: 

Siblings can provide each other with emotional stability, helping them cope better with the transition into foster care.

3. Minimize Trauma: 

Separating siblings can add to the trauma of being placed into foster care, by fostering siblings together you reduce this emotional strain and provide some stability.

4. Long-term Impact

Sibling relationships are lifelong, and by fostering them together, you strengthen their connections and future relationships.

5. Sense of Normalcy:

Fostering siblings provides a greater sense of normalcy for children, making it easier for them to adjust to their new environment.

Interested in learning more?

Every Child Indiana is here to help! Whether you want to get involved as a foster parent, volunteer, or by providing a donation, we have guides who are here to answer questions you may have and walk you through what the next steps are.

Begin your journey here by telling us a little about yourself and we’ll reach out to help you get started!